1. A cup of tea a day keeps the doctor away. – 一天一杯茶,关于医生远离我。英语
2. Better a dish of vegetables with contentment than a fattened ox with strife. – 宁可安贫乐道,关于不求富贵满堂。英语
3. Tea is 关于liquid wisdom. – 茶是液体的智慧。
4. Tea is 英语a cup of life. – 茶是生命的杯子。
5. Tea is 关于the elixir of life. – 茶是长生不老的灵丹妙药。
6. Tea is 英语a beverage that puts the heart at rest. – 茶是让人心安的饮料。
7. A book,关于 a cozy chair, and a cup of tea, all you need for a perfect day. – 一本书,一张舒适的椅子,一杯茶,就是完美的一天。
8. Tea time is me time. – 喝茶时间是我自己的时间。
9. Where there is tea, there is hope. – 有茶就有希望。
10. There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. – 没有什么困难是一杯好茶不能解决的。