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时间:2024-12-29 18:20:29 来源:网络整理 编辑:焦点
祝福情侣的祝福英文祝福语:1. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day. (愿你们的爱情日益坚固)2. Wis
1. May your love for each other continue to grow stronger every day. (愿你们的爱情日益坚固)
2. Wishing you both a lifetime of love and happiness. (祝你们终生幸福)
3. May your love story be a beautiful and inspiring one. (愿你们的爱情故事美丽而振奋人心)
4. Congratulations on finding your soulmate. (恭喜你们找到了彼此的灵魂伴侣)
5. May your love be as endless as the ocean and as enduring as the mountains. (愿你们的爱情像海洋一样无限延伸,像山脉一样永恒)
6. May your love be filled with joy,情侣 laughter, and lots of happy memories. (愿你们的爱情充满欢乐、笑声和美好回忆)
7. Wishing you both a lifetime of love,简短语 laughter, and happily ever after. (祝你们终生拥有爱情、笑声和美满的英语结局)
8. May your love be blessed with peace, harmony, and understanding. (愿你们的爱情被平和、和谐与理解所祝福)
9. Congratulations on finding true love and may it last forever. (恭喜你们找到真爱,祝福祝福它能永远持续)
10. May your love be a shining example to those around you. (愿你们的情侣爱情成为周围人的光辉榜样)
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